Discover Differences Between Screencore Programmatic Ecosystem and Traditional Ad Exchanges

Discover Differences Between Screencore Programmatic Ecosystem and Traditional Ad Exchanges

The evolving landscape of technology is rapidly transforming the world of programmatic advertising at an unprecedented pace. Programmatic advertising is expected to surpass $300 billion in 2026. As one of the fastest-growing ad types, programmatic is a powerful tool in any marketer's toolbox.


Advertisers and publishers are both on the lookout for profitable transactions that both parties can facilitate in the most convenient way possible. This is where ad exchanges come in. Unfortunately, traditional ad exchanges can have weaknesses, such as ad inventory quality, fraud risk, or data privacy concerns.


In contrast, Screencore has a modern, upgraded ecosystem that utilizes innovative technologies. 


What is Screencore?


Screencore is an open RTB-driven marketplace that puts breathtaking visual experiences front and center of any campaign on any device. We are creating a future-proof advertising space with leverages that enable advertisers to serve privacy-friendly dynamic, creative, and memorable ad content. 


Let's discover the differences between Screencore and traditional ad exchanges!


Challenge #1. Cost Per Thousand Impressions Pricing Models


In traditional CPM-based ad exchanges, the emphasis is predominantly placed on the number of impressions, often overshadowing the crucial aspect of engagement quality. This approach can create a significant gap between the sheer number of ad impressions and the actual, meaningful engagement or conversions from users. Such a discrepancy poses a challenge in accurately assessing the true effectiveness of an advertising campaign. 


To address this issue, we integrate a dual-focus strategy that monitors both the quantity and the quality of user engagement. This balanced approach ensures a more comprehensive campaign performance evaluation, aligning ad impressions with genuine user interaction and meaningful outcomes.


Challenge #2. Cross-Channel Integration


Integrating various advertising channels (like social media, display, mobile, etc.) through an ad exchange can be complex for some traditional ad exchanges. Meanwhile, Screencore distinguishes itself by offering robust cross-channel capabilities. This advanced feature enables publishers to monetize their inventory across various platforms, including web, mobile apps, and CTV. 


By streamlining this process, Screencore simplifies the challenge of managing multi-channel advertising, ensuring that publishers can maximize their revenue potential while seamlessly reaching audiences across various digital landscapes.


Challenge #3. Ad Quality


While traditional ad exchanges provide a vibrant platform for digital advertising, they are vulnerable to the prevalent issue of ad fraud, which has significant repercussions. The most immediate effect of ad fraud within these exchanges is a tangible financial loss. Advertisers often find themselves incurring costs for clicks or impressions that are inauthentic, leading to a drain on their advertising budgets without yielding any substantial return on investment. Additionally, ad fraud skews critical performance indicators like click-through rates and engagement metrics. Such distorted data poses a considerable challenge for advertisers, complicating the process of accurately evaluating the effectiveness of their campaigns and making well-informed strategic decisions.



Screencore adopts a proactive stance against ad fraud in response to these challenges. We maintain vigilant ad traffic monitoring to promptly identify anomalies, deploying state-of-the-art technologies to block fraudulent clicks preemptively. Furthermore, our collaboration with Pixalate, a renowned leader in the industry, ensures independent verification of ad quality, bolstering the integrity of our services. We are committed to safeguarding your brand and advertising budget, employing robust measures to protect against the pitfalls of ad fraud and ensuring a secure, trustworthy advertising environment.


Challenge #4. User Experience


Ad exchanges, while facilitating the buying and selling of digital ad space, can have certain disadvantages related to user experience. It's not uncommon for ad exchanges to display advertisements that don't align with the user's interests or current online activities. Such irrelevant ads can significantly detract from the user experience, being perceived as unnecessary clutter rather than meaningful or engaging content.


Recognizing this issue, Screencore places a strong emphasis on enhancing user experience. We are committed to ensuring that the ads displayed are relevant and add value to the user's online journey. By prioritizing ad relevance and alignment with user interests, Screencore aims to transform the typical ad viewing experience into one that is both engaging and beneficial for the user, thus maintaining a harmonious balance between effective advertising and user satisfaction.


To sum up


Screencore offers an efficient, user-friendly platform for digital advertising, providing significant advantages over traditional ad exchanges. With our team,  your brand will transcend traditional boundaries, unlocking unprecedented potential. Embrace the opportunity to make advertising a seamless, impactful, and rewarding experience.